Why farmers' bills reach such heights? : Disputes Between Farmers And Government


The agricultural act 2020 also known as Farmer's bill is a step of the government to make the system more efficient by introducing three farm bills in front of farmers.


But the farmers disagree with the bills and proposed 

some demands in front of the government.


Need of farm bills: the positive side of farm bills


The farm bill gives the farmer opportunity to reach out to other states and sell their goods, which helps the farmers to skip the intermediates and get all the valued amount directly to their bank account through online banking(e-banking).


These bills help farmers to involve with agri-business firms and trade with them before the crop is grown, which gives the farmers a surety of selling their crop.


These also ensure the delivery of essential commodities without any obstruction.


The Indian agricultural act 2020 creates an anti dispute environment.



Loss due to farm bills: Negative side of farm bill 2020


The farmer bill disturbs the system of mandis made by the Agricultural produce market committee (APMC).


These bills also haven’t mentioned anything related to  

minimum support price(MSP), there is no minimum price at which farmers produce is sold.


That will lead to insecurity in farmers for the minimum price at which they are selling their products.


Farmers opposition towards farm bill: demands of farmers 


They want the government gathering with their officials to retract the farm bill 2020, they want parliament to take back bills.


They want an assured minimum support price(MSP) at which they can sell their crop if they are unable to sell it at higher rates.


They want that the diesel price cut to 50% for them.


They also want to release farmers arrested for burning paddy.


They want that the center should not hinder state decisions.  


Why equality and efficiency contest in farm bills?


 The new farm bills were introduced by the Government to increase the productivity in the agricultural sector and to make the agricultural sector more efficient, Government wants to introduce contract farming to make the process more effectual.


But in this, the farmers suffer as they are not getting the same opportunities as the private organizations do because the agribusiness firms can offer any amount they want as there is no minimum price at which they can sell their crops. 






From this, we concluded that the government's intention in the implementation of the farm bill 2020 was to make the system more efficient and to step towards the development of farmers in India.


But contrary to the government's the farmers want the government to give them surety to sell their crops.


 Farmers want that they must get the same benefits (like MSP, credit from intermediates )from the corporate sector as they are getting from the old Mandi system(APMC).


